Call for Papers/Articles/Publications for Vol. I No. 2 - June 2023


Bishop Stuart Journal of Development, Education and Technology (JODET) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal, dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of research in the fields of development, education, technology and related areas in accordance with current international scholarly standards.

JODET is published quarterly and features articles, papers and publications from researchers and experts in the fields of interest. Articles are subjected to a blind peer review process and a plagiarism check for quality assurance. Authors will be informed whether their articles qualify for publication within 21 days from the date of submission. If revisions are deemed necessary, the author will be informed about the time frame within which the revisions must be made.

Journal articles are published online via and through physical hard copies which are available for purchase by interested persons. Each author contributes a publication fee of USD 54 only per article, payable after the article has been deemed fit for publication.

Authors are hereby invited to submit articles for Vol. 1 No. 2 (June 2023) by email to or online via Articles should be in Ms-Word format and authors are required to follow the journal’s editorial guidelines.

Authors' email addresses should be clearly indicated on the first page of the article plus their affiliations.


Submission: Open for June – Vol. I No. 2 Issue.

Journal ISSN:  2959-0523      |     Website 

Online Paper Submission:

Email Submissions:

Publication: Online

Publication Charges: 54 USD


Bank: Bank of Baroda
A/C Name: Bishop Stuart University
A/C Number: 95050200000825
Swift Code: BARBUGKA (Required by those outside Uganda)
Address: High Street, Mbarara, Uganda

Note that the above is a dollar account. There are no other hidden charges to submit a paper for review. But publishing it in this journal requires Publication Charges to cater for editorial expenses.

Assoc. Prof. Gershom Atukunda

Chairman Editorial Board