The effect of Appraisal Standards setting on Employee Performance in private Universities in Uganda




Employee Appraisal, Employee Performance, Appraisal Standards


The study aimed at establishing the relationship between the appraisal standards and performance of employees in selected private universities in Uganda. It was carried out in two universities which were Kampala International University Bushenyi Campus and University of St. Joseph Mbarara. The study was carried out using a self-administered questionnaire and interview guide. It involved the administrative staff of the universities. The study was hence carried out amongst 60 staff members. The results were analysed using the descriptive statistics including frequencies and percentages, the mean distribution and regression analysis was used to analyse the relationship amongst the variable. The study generally revealed that there was a significant relationship between appraisal standards and employee performance. The standards the appraisal focused on were mainly the employee behaviours, competences and achievements. The results indicated that the main behavioural targets were the employees’ relations with colleagues, relations with clients, relations with supervisors and the extent to which employees observed the code of conduct including the disciple. The competences assessed related to relevance of the staff qualifications are assessed, staff members ability to counsel students, the ability to communicate with clients, he staff skills to do the work is assessed and the staff skills to do the work is assessed. On achievement, the study examined the application of appraisal on determining participation and ability to contribute in meetings, the staff performance, the research output, the clients attracted to the organization, the level of attendance to duties and participation in training activities. On the whole the study recommended the need to enhance appraisal standards and ensure that all staff members are aware of the standards that are usually assessed so that they work towards achieving them.

Author Biography

Ankunda Emily, Bishop Stuart University

Corresponding Author


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How to Cite

Emily, A., & Dorcus, M. (2023). The effect of Appraisal Standards setting on Employee Performance in private Universities in Uganda. Bishop Stuart University Journal of Development, Education & Technology, 1(1), 203–236.



