Effect of Stakeholder Engagement on the Adoption of Agricultural Technologies by Farmers in Uganda

A Case of SNV-TIDE Project in Isingiro District





Adoption, Capacity Building, Improved Forages, Resource Mobilization, Stakeholders


This study assessed how stakeholder engagement strategies used by SNV-TIDE project in planning, capacity building and resource mobilisation influenced the adoption of improved forages in Isingiro District, Southwestern Uganda. A cross sectional survey design was adopted for the study, which covered five purposively selected SNV-TIDE project cooperatives. The data were collected from 50 active cattle farmers and three field supervisors using both a semi-structured questionnaire and an interview guide. Descriptive and inferential analysis including multiple regression techniques were employed to analyse the data. The findings revealed that stakeholder engagement in planning and capacity building contributed 35 and 14.3 percent change respectively, in the adoption of improved forages. Stakeholder engagement in planning and capacity building had a positive significant (p<0.05) influence on the adoption of improved forages among the SNV-TIDE project members. But stakeholder engagement in resource mobilisation had no influence (p>0.05) on the adoption of improved forages. Thus based on the study, it was concluded that engaging stakeholders in planning and in capacity building contributes to the adoption of improved forages. To achieve better results, therefore, stakeholder engagement strategies should put more emphasis on involving stakeholders in the project planning activities and capacity building.

Author Biographies

Tumusiime Bernard, Bishop Stuart University

Lecturer, Department of Agriculture, Agribusiness & Environmental Sciences,
Bishop Stuart University.
Corresponding Author

Michael Kiwanuka, Uganda Management Institute

Consultant in the Department of Business Administration Uganda Management Institute UMI

Ambrose Rwaheru Aheisibwe, Makerere University Business School (MUBS)

Consultant in the Department of Business Administration Uganda Management Institute UMI

Sylvester Katuromunda, Makerere University

Senior Lecturer in Department of Agricultural Production, School of Agricultural Sciences, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda


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How to Cite

Tumusiime, B., Kiwanuka, M., Rwaheru Aheisibwe, A., & Katuromunda, S. (2023). Effect of Stakeholder Engagement on the Adoption of Agricultural Technologies by Farmers in Uganda: A Case of SNV-TIDE Project in Isingiro District. Bishop Stuart University Journal of Development, Education & Technology, 1(2), 117–150. https://doi.org/10.59472/jodet.v1i2.18



