Bribery and Public Procurement Performance at Mbarara City, Uganda






The study investigated the effects of bribery on public procurement performance in Uganda with a focus on Mbarara City. Specifically, the study examined how monetary bribery and non-monetary bribery influence public procurement performance at Mbarara City. A cross-sectional design adopting a quantitative approach was applied. Quantitative data was analyzed using inferential statistics (Spearman correlation, coefficient of determination and regression). Qualitative data on the other hand was analyzed using content and thematic analysis. The findings revealed a strong negative influence of bribery on public procurement performance whereby more bribery contributed to poor public procurement performance and less bribery contributed to better public procurement performance. The study recommended that municipal councils should develop mechanisms for strengthening and operationalizing available measures to combat bribery to improve public procurement performance. Such mechanisms may include encouraging whistle blowers, selection of professional and competent members on evaluation committees and reducing the bureaucracy.


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How to Cite

Denis, N., Dennis, K., Aggrey, M., & Bridget, N. (2023). Bribery and Public Procurement Performance at Mbarara City, Uganda. Bishop Stuart University Journal of Development, Education & Technology, 1(3), 91–106.



