Assessment of the Effects of Farmyard Manure and NPK Fertilizer application on Banana Yields in Shuuku Town Council, Sheema District, Western Uganda


  • J. Kanyesigye
  • Prof. Edward Ssemakula Bishop Stuart University



Effects Farmyard Manure, NPK Fertilizer Application, Banana Yields


The Experiment was on the effect of Farmyard Manure and NPK Fertilizer on banana yields in Shuuku Town council, Sheema district. It was guided by three objectives which were, determining the effect of Farmyard Manure and NPK Fertilizer on plant girth, plant height, establishing the effect on leaf and sucker development and also determining hands formation on banana bunches in the 3 selected Sites. 

The experiment was set using an incomplete randomized block design to evaluate the effects of Farmyard Manure and NPK fertilizer on banana yields, with an aim of determining the effect of Farmyard manure and NPK fertilizer on plant girth, plant height, establishing the effect on leaf and sucker development and also determining Hands formation on banana bunches in the 3 selected farms. Each block consisted of 30 banana stools, each farm with 4 blocks, one block cattle manure, another for NPK fertilizer, another one for a combination of both and the last one as a control in a randomized form. 

Data was collected from at least 15 banana stools from each block. Data was used to give conclusions to the experiment objectives. Data was coded, edited and analyzed using SPSS to give meaning. After data processing, it was presented in tables. The researcher recommended the combined application of cattle manure and NPK fertilizers in banana production since they provide different nutrients to the soil hence ensuring increased yields.

The researcher recommended utilization of cattle manure for the average Farmers. For the farmers involved in production of the banana crop, the researcher recommended cattle manure to enhance plant heights for both the maiden plants and suckers.

Author Biographies

J. Kanyesigye

Corresponding Author 

Prof. Edward Ssemakula, Bishop Stuart University



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How to Cite

Kanyesigye, J., & Ssemakula, E. (2023). Assessment of the Effects of Farmyard Manure and NPK Fertilizer application on Banana Yields in Shuuku Town Council, Sheema District, Western Uganda . Bishop Stuart University Journal of Development, Education & Technology, 1(1), 143–168.



